Author: Riches Editor

In today’s fast-paced consumer culture, it’s easy to get caught up in the thrill of shopping and indulge in impulsive purchases. We find ourselves wandering around shopping centres, browsing online stores, and clicking on enticing offers, only to realise later that the joy we initially experienced quickly fades away. What if there was a way to spend our hard-earned money in a manner that brings us genuine and lasting happiness? It’s time to shift our focus from mindless consumption to intentional spending that aligns with our most important goals and values. Here’s my top money hacks for mindful spending. Pause…

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Whether you are an employee or business owner, the end of financial year on 30 June, is a perfect time to reflect on your achievements, challenges, and growth. For many it’s been a demanding year and you’ve worked incredibly hard to stay afloat. To set yourself up for success in the New Financial Year, use these tips to maintain momentum, empower your career trajectory, and enhance your financial wellbeing. Reflect and celebrate: Take a moment to acknowledge your achievements over the past year. Celebrate the milestones, big or small, that contributed to your growth and success. Look at your personal goals,…

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In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of having a healthy relationship with our finances. Just like friendships, our connection with money requires nurturing, attention, and trust. While we often prioritise being a good mate to others, it’s equally crucial to assess whether we are extending the same level of care and consideration to our financial wellbeing. Use these key concepts to establish a positive connection and be a good mate to your money. Building Trust and Transparency: A solid foundation for any friendship is built on trust and transparency. The same principles apply when it comes to…

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It’s time to break up with the Joneses! This might just set you free and make your life richer—both in your bank account and your peace of mind. “Keeping up with the Joneses” is an expression used to describe our tendency to compare our material possessions and achievements with other people. It often leads us to spend money on things we don’t need, just to keep up appearances or show off to others. Now, don’t get me wrong; it’s great to have nice things or enjoy life’s comforts. The trouble arises when we let the pursuit of material possessions drive…

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The relationship between financial confidence and overall wellbeing is a critical part of modern life. Financial security not only impacts our economic standing but also has far-reaching effects on our mental, emotional, and physical health. To boost your overall wellbeing let’s have a look at the actions we can take over the remaining months of 2023. August: Cheaper Electricity Electricity costs are rising so be proactive. Research available plans online and take note of the special offers, discounts, and benefits. Use a comparison site if you’d like to make it even easier. Now call your existing electricity provider. Let them…

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In today’s consumer-driven world, it’s no secret that impulse buying is a common phenomenon. We’ve all experienced that irresistible urge to make an unplanned purchase, whether it’s an extra pair of shoes, an indulgent dessert, or the latest gadget. But have you ever wondered why we fall prey to impulse buying, and how it affects our financial wellbeing? Why does it happen? Impulse buying is more than just a random occurrence; it’s deeply rooted in human psychology. Emotions play a significant role in our purchasing decisions. When we’re stressed, sad, or even excited, we’re more susceptible to making impulsive purchases. Advertisers…

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Financial confidence is a powerful tool that can lead to a brighter and more secure future. It’s about feeling in control of your money, making informed decisions, and taking action to improve your money situation. Set yourself on the path to financial empowerment with these essential steps. 1. Learn more One of the fundamental pillars of financial confidence is knowledge. Understanding more about money, saving, and investing, will empower you to make informed decisions. – Action 1: Explore free financial resources like books, online courses, and websites to boost your financial literacy. – Action 2: Attend local personal finance…

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In the fast-paced world we live in today, it’s easy to accumulate subscriptions and memberships without taking the time to consider their value. Yet, periodically conducting a personal finance audit can be a game-changer when it comes to optimising your financial health. Just as you would review your monthly budget, complete an audit of your subscriptions, memberships, and digital presence to ensure you’re only paying for what truly adds value to your life. Streamlining Streaming Services: In an era of endless entertainment options, it’s common to have multiple streaming service subscriptions. However, when was the last time you revisited the…

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As a couple, we face various challenges that test our relationship. Financial matters are one source of tension, but they’re also an opportunity to communicate more effectively and grow closer. Through talking openly about money, listening to concerns, and working to find compromise you’ll strengthen your communication skills over time. Naturally, the hustle of daily life limits our quality time. So don’t expect great conversations about money to happen spontaneously. Instead, set aside time for “money dates” and you’ll make real progress. Here are the key aspects to work on in your financial partnership: Budgeting Together is a collaborative effort that…

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Do you ever find yourself counting the days until your next payday? Do you wonder if you’ll have enough to cover your bills and expenses? You’re not alone. Living in this pay-cheque-to-pay-cheque cycle is stressful and it’s all too common. But it doesn’t have to be a never-ending loop. With the right mindset and practical steps, you can break free and build a life with more financial stability. 1. Shift Your Mindset Whether we believe we can, or we cannot, we’re right. So, breaking the cycle starts with a shift in mindset. Instead of viewing each pay as a means…

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